
Rice Lolly Season

Have you been wondering where in the world L'Arche Belfast has been? Well, right here on the Ormeau Road, of course, but wandering the world, too. Assistants have recently been to visit friends and family in the rest of the UK, the Czech Republic, Prague, Turkey, the USA and Israel/Palestine. Others have been on pilgrimage, on holidays, gone to conferences, and speaking.

There are many wonderful pics from all these travels but being a bit biased and having a folder full of my own travels on this computer, I offer you this photo of Octavia (the youngest community member until Maureen hatches her and Malcolm's bundle of joy in a few weeks) and her cousin Ella enjoying a sweet moment in the Seattle sun with a 'rice lolly' (Octavia's word) or possicle (Ella's word). They spent time as 2-year olds and most of us do--defending our territories and identities. For example, Ella once shouted, "Octaya, that's my dog and you can't talk to him," and was retaliated against by a beaker of water being poured calmly and deliberately over her head in the bath. El and O had some gorgeous moments, though, as 2-year olds and most of us will--sharing the sweetness of life and rejoicing in the world's possibilities for shriek-inducing delight.

We have been short of assistants for a few months now and that has stretched the community's resources. But finally, finally Neil's police clearance came through so there is another man in the Ember and the hope of other assistants joining after the summer. Sharon, Marie and Thomas are another year wiser. Tomorrow James and Faythe are getting married for the 3rd time in two months over in Luton. We celebrate with all of these members of our community as some of us move into retreat next week and others go on summer holidays. May we be given the grace to defend less and shriek with delight more!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted to see our lovlies posted here. Don't worry, Ella is just as "sweet" to her Montana cousins. I'm hoping it's a phase. Love this pic. Love you.
