
Aw, Pher Ph

(Photo courtesy of Larry) It has been a month since any of us blogged. Why? Well, one reason is the sense of sending words out into the ether with no response. Are you out there? The next reason is that we've said good-bye to two more assistants. Makes me feel like, well, "Aw pher ph!", here after known as A.Ph.Ph. Those of you who are friends of Thomas Kerr will understand exactly what I mean by that.

However, a gentle prod from Maria and an afternoon with Thomas and Jillian in the kitchen has gotten me back on track. Imagine Thomas and Jill tidying the worktops, washing cups, etc. And then, what should Thomas find but a piece of toast left in the toaster! "Toast?" he offers Jillian who nearly falls to the floor with laughter. "TOAST!" she roars, "Toast!" As a by-stander merely responsible for gathering the minute shreds of cabbage littering the other sink I was suddenly lifted out of A.Ph.Ph. and into the present, wonderful toasty moment.

So good-bye Hannah, good-bye James. We miss you but we're still the same.


Anonymous said...

I am reading! Just shy.

Unknown said...

Yippee!! The mysterious and shy Anna is reading the blog. That makes it all worth it. We shall attempt to supply you more good reading--don't be too scared to respond.


Anonymous said...

And Nadi is reading, too! :)
See you at Easter!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, if Nadi is reading, all the small animals are probably reading, too. They just don't have keyboards to let us know.

gf said...

I'm reading, as well!! And it's great to get a wee bit of an L'Arche feeling through the blog... please keep on writing!

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here, laughing about the toast-story... And feeling closer to you all for this moment!
No funnycake - a TOAST is all you need! ;-)
Love from Freiburg, Karin

Christine said...

I just read for the first time today, I'm not shy! Well, a little bit. I know the answer to your Play-a-Little Challenge but I'm scared to post it so late! Give us another challenge!

Thomas, that was a good one about the toast! And I emailed you and haven't heard back...

And Happy Birthday to Maria (and of course me!) tomorrow! Sadly I won't get breakfast in bed here!

Anonymous said...

Please, Thomas and Jillian and Megan, will you come clean my kitchen? It is the size of your bathroom, so you'd have to dance to move around, and no telling what surprises are in the toaster!
Not sure if I'll show up anonymous, so, let me sign off as Sharon-t!