
A Great Meeting (AGM)

Well, friends, I promised that if Thomas stepped out in his new finery, you would be among the first to know! Here is is, in technicolour. I admit, I have doctored the saturation just a tad to give the feel of that tie amongst all other ties that may have darkened the door, but isn't is a beauty? It is nearly brighter than Thomas's famous grin.

The AGM was more entertaining than most are. Following the chair's report by John Black and the treasurer's report by Fonsie Corr, Maria started her report by putting up a slide of L'Arche Belfast's flying pig. What? Did you not know that we have a flying pig? We do. As well as a dreamy, conflict-free, smooth-sailing community! If you care to see the real report, check out our website where it is available for all and sundry. www.larchebelfast.org.uk.

That's our NEW! and IMPROVED! website. We've done a lot of work to make it a place to gather all you need to know about L'Arche Belfast, no matter your angle. Take a look.

Now, back to the AGM. Noah was diligently selling shares for the Noah's World Fund. If you ever want to see pure joy and excitement, hand Noah £50 (someone did!) and tell him it is for the NWF. He lights up like Thomas's tie.

I was lurking at the back of the room, so this isn't the best shot. You can see, however, that the rooom was packed! Was it a night with L'Arche or Gregor's mulled juice that brought in the crowds? We'll never know. A big thank you to all who came out to celebrate this year's achievements and pitfalls, and next years hopes, with us.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry I couldn't be there - family calls as they say. Hope you all enjoyed the grub (I had the pleasure of sampling as I displayed them all prettily on the trays - did they reach the church in that same happy state? I doubt it!). And Thomas' tie, THOMAS' TIE!! Who needs a tree at the front of the City Hall to announce Christmas!!!!!