
Celebration October

Yikes! October is already over! We had a month full of celebrating. October began with a bang since we had the Soup Shanty on October 1, which celebrated the 9 years of L'Arche Belfast AND the beginning of Root Soup! It was a great night of soup, sharing and singing! Then all of the sudden it was the end of the month and of course we had to celebrate Halloween with too many sweets, fun games and a good barbeque! I almost forgot the most important part...the theme of our Halloween Party was the garden! Costumes ranged from the allotment car to spider webs to bird tables! Always a good time when we have a party in L'Arche Belfast! The pictures below explain the celebrations so much more than I ever could! So enjoy!

Soup Shanty!

Our friends!

The Open Arts choir kept everyone so entertained!

Alison worked wonders in the kitchen!

Maria's speech was a great combination of looking back and looking forward!

Jillian happy as a peach on stage!

Henri messing about!

Matthew and Emily selling Christmas cards and "Soup and What Else" books!

Maria directing the way! What a fantastic leader!

Garden-Themed Halloween!!

Thomas the bus driver (not quite garden-themed....but maybe he drives us to the garden!)

Silly Group Photo!

Happy Group Photo!

Larry being his fav. car at the allotment!

Jenny the bumble bee and Larry the car!

Yucky Spider web!

Scary Carrot!

Jillian the beautiful bed of flowers!

Getting all dressed up to try to eat some chocolate (a great game!)

Matthew the pumpkin!

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