Mustache madness has hit the Ember. Kicked off by our James in the states to raise funds for a scooter to aid Faythe's mobility around town. Why Mustaches, I don't know, but there's been some amusing results. Check out the pics and James blog.
10th March
The Region of L'Arche Ireland/ Northern Ireland gathered to hear the councils recommendation for our new regional coordinator. Representing Belfast, Thomas, Larry, Scott, Maria, Henri, Pam and Sharon squeezed into Rosie and made the trip down to Dublin. It was a wonderful day of reconnection with our L'Arche friends from the communities around Ireland.
Unanimously our very own Maria Garvey was voted the woman for the job. We are delighted for her and offer her our hearty congratulations. We are pleased to know that Belfast shall still be her home. Maria you'll always have a place at the heart of our community.
11th March
Johnny Graham delighted us all when he dropped off a cake large enough to fill an army- I give it three days. Thanks Johnny!
12th March
Our hearts go out to the people of Japan effected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Having Makiko here with us from Japan has perhaps brought it more to our thoughts. We are happy to hear that her family and friends are safe. Our prayers will continue to ask for God's grace for those in mourning and rebuilding lives and homes.
24th March
Our hen finally lays an egg!! Those threats of being turned into chicken soup have finally paid off : ) Actually it may be more to do with Matthews careful attentions as he's faithfully cared for the hens in Lucy and Micah's absence. Thanks Matthew for all those early mornings.
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